Clean Edge Razor Journal

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Clean Edge Razor Journal 1. What changes are occurring in the non-disposable razor category? The biggest change in the nondisposable razor category is the recent growth of roughly 5% from 2007 to 2010. The reason for this growth is innovation and new product offerings. Consumer buying behavior is also changing. Consumers are buying blades more frequently than they had in the past. Another change is new competition is entering the market. These new entrants are pushing innovation and trying to steal market share from the firms currently in the market. Increased advertising is yet another change in the category. This is due to the rapid innovation and new entrants trying to stimulate demand for the new offerings. Distribution is also shifting from the food and drug stores to mass merchandisers, both of whom are creating more shelf space for these items. Lastly, male grooming products are becoming a more important part of the industry. Products aimed directly at males are trying to stimulate growth. 2. How is the non-disposable razor market segmented? The first segmentation is based on consumer behavior. There are three segments in the razor market: social/emotional shavers, aesthetic shavers, maintenance shavers. Social/emotional shavers find shaving a very important part of their life. Daily grooming is essential, as it makes them feel more attractive. They pay close attention to what they are buying to look for the best features and functionality that suits their style. Aesthetic shavers are concerned with performance more than the overall shaving experience. Maintenance shavers simply want to take as little time as possible to shave and look at all shaving products the same. The second segmentation is based on price: super-premium, moderate, and value. Super-premium offers many new benefits and features and commands a higher priced.
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