Classroom Management Strategies

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TASK A Interviewer: Joey Interviewee: Ms Moletsane 1. TRANSCIPT. Joey: Which discipline strategies do you use to maintain order in a classroom? Ms Moletsane: At the beginning of the year we set classroom rules that students must abide to. And creating a place to Learn –As an educator i must set the tone for a well-managed classroom. Joey: What happens if they do not follow the rules? Ms Moletsane: I have a monitor who writes down names of those students who disrupt the class and I Watch my students as they come into class. And look for signs of possible problems before class even begins; also I have a posted discipline plan that I follow consistently for effective classroom management. Depending on the severity of the offense, it allows students a warning or two before punishment begins. For example, First Offense: Verbal Warning, Second Offense: Detention with teacher. Joey: Regarding the classwork or homework’s if students have not written the given work what do you do? Ms Moletsane: The student loses ten points off their homework assignment. And I record them and they become possible failures. Joey: Is it fair to list them as possible failures if they have not done the given work? Ms Moletsane: By doing so we encourage them to do their work because we as educators we know that students are afraid to fail or repeat the same grade twice. Joey: What happens if the strategy you are using fails? Ms Moletsane: We call their parents to sign the list in which we write students who are possible failures. Joey: I have noticed that in the staffroom there are some bags of the students why do you take them? Ms Moletsane: We take the bag if the student has been in a fight or was disrupting other students from other classes and we tell them to call their parents to school in order to inform them what their students have
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