Classical Realism vs Neo-Realism

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Classical Realism Classical Realism Vs Neo-Realism Classical Realism * Morgenthau - had 3 levels of analysis – individual, state, structure * Carr – international relations is the extension of human nature self-maximising. Has theoretical and empirical standing. * Human nature is inherently bad. * All basis on power politics ** Human nature does not change; laws of IR do not change * State-centric, status quo. Allows for more space for agency ANARCHY is a PERMISSIVE force for power completion (unlike neo-deep cause in structure * War of all against all (state of nature) * Diffidence – despite international efforts for co-operation states can never be trust each oither. Power Struggle – increases power in both real terms and relative to other states (zero-sum) * States must continuously monitor power distributions in the global political system. Demonstrated by Americas fixation on Russia and Mid-East to rising hegemony China. * Rational choice theory – when a state is surrounded by armed states it will either arm as a means of defence or tell them they have a perception of power. * Weakness = * How rational are states? No consistent meaning of power (hard power or soft power?), self perpetuating Neorealism * “Structure are defined not by all of the actors that flourish within them, but by the major ones” – Waltz * States are alike in the tasks that they face, not in their abilities to perform them. The differences are of capability, not of function. Shared foundations 1. Power politics 2. Pragmatism 3. Anarchy 4. Seeks universal principles and therefore makes it universable Departure from Classical Realism * Human nature VS System * Morgenthau’s view on human nature is hypothetical and it can never be conclusively proved * “Maximizing psychological
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