Classical Music Essay

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Dean Melloul Effects of Classical Music The use of classical music has been revolutionized to no longer be used purely for one’s entertainment, but also used to promote mental growth process in children. The tone and mood of classical music has been effectively used in studies and has been shown to affect kids in an intellectual, emotional, and physiological way in today’s society. Mentality in children can be increased through the use of listening to classical music. Because classical music has an affect on how the brain works and changes the intellect of the person, this can have a long lasting effect on them. Listening to this type of music can change how the baby grows and affect their thought process so the child performs in a more mature manner. Babies are born with “billions of brain cells,” and these brain cells form “connections with other brain cells,” (Bales 1). Kids will learn to do things at younger ages and be able to use that to their advantage. Because it changes how the baby’s brain cells work, this process is done not by surgery, but by just listening to music. All music will affect the brain, but each genre and type of song will have different effects. The tone, beat, and mood of the songs are the key factors in how music affects the kids. Each tone and each beat leaves an imprint in the child’s brain and because there are many varieties of them, it can change how the baby’s brain develops. Listening to classical music does not just help with the arts but with other subjects of learning. “Music has been shown to have positive effects of learning in domains other than the arts, and specifically in reading and math,” (Devries 1). If this is the case, then why doesn’t everyone do this? Most people do not have a passion for listening to this kind of music. People do not tend do things they do not have a passion for. It just is not in the nature of
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