Classic Airlines Marketing Solution

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Classic Airlines Marketing Solution Problem Statement Classic Airlines will increase customer loyalty by creating long term marketing objectives and making improvements to the Classic Rewards Program. Classic Airlines is the world’s fifth largest airline. Classic Airlines is a very successful and profitable company. Classic Airlines has been affected by the lack of consumers who are flying which has also affected the industry stock prices and the Classic Rewards program for frequent fliers. The airline is working to adopt a new and innovative marketing concept that will assist in increasing its profitability. Customers are looking to the airlines competitors for travel needs. Classic Airlines will have to consider both its internal and external threats and weaknesses that could possible prevent it from increasing profitability. Current Issues Classic Airlines has had issues with sales and reduced profit due to a decrease in customers and a drop in reward program members. The company’s internal and external marketing programs have not been successful and customers have voiced their complaints. Classic Airlines 2003 and 2004 financial reports show a loss in operating income and an increase in the cost of operation expenses. The company also suffered an overall net income loss both years and although the numbers increased mid-season both years the losses were greater than the profits. With Increased cost and lack of innovation the company has several issues which make it very challenging because customers are not satisfied and management staff can’t seem to agree on ways to correct the issues. The company does not want to discount airfare but knows that they may be the only way to beat out some of the competitors (Classic Airlines: Scenario, University of Phoenix, 2012). SMART Goals Classic Airlines can benefit from making SMART goals. The first step would be
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