Clash Of the Titans

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In the Clash of the Titans Perseus, Zeus’ son, was an epic hero. He possessed great qualities such as bravery, strength, and he’s handsome. There were a lot of occasions were Perseus had his qualities tested. During Perseus’ adventures to save his beloved lover Andromeda. She was not allowed any man to marry her because her old husband, Calibus, was cast into a monster. His mother, Thetis, said if her son could not marry her no man could until a man solved a puzzle. Everything in this story has cause and effect. The monster and the goddess put the curse on Andromeda it caused Perseus to try and save her. That caused him to be heroic. Throughout all his adventures the gods gave him items to help him be a hero. Another cause and effect situation. They sent him an invisible helmet, an all-cutting sword, and a strong shield. They also sent him an all-knowing owl. All of these items helped him in his journey. They helped him beat the monsters. Perseus’ traits were extraordinary. He was extremely brave. He would do things other supposedly “heroes” would not dare to even think of. He did it because he cared for others. That truly shows what a hero is. The gods helped Perseus defeat the monsters, but a lot of it had to come from within Perseus’ heart. The monsters tried to beat Perseus, but he found the strength to defeat them. During Perseus’ adventures he became the epitome of the Greek heroes. He was the all-around perfect hero. He made me think about what qualities make someone a hero. We don’t have to cut of Medusa’s head to be heroes. Just by simply helping others. His love for Andromeda drove him to excessive levels. Levels that nothing else could take him to besides

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