Clarion School For Boys

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AMSA652 The Clarion School for Boys Case Assignment Patrick Chen CPIT, Christchurch, New Zealand Abstract In this case firstly we discussed the background information of the Clarion school for boys and then discuss three topics relating to ICT strategy management. They are Business ICT strategy, Case analysis and requirements, the Governance of ICT. Each topic discussed the facts and evidences from the case and attempted to provide possible solutions. Background information Before we start our discussion we will have a brief overview about the case. The Clarion school for boys is a private NFP residential treatment facility for delinquent boys between the ages of 10 and 18. It is the 2nd largest facility in student enrolment number and 3rd most expensive school in Wisconsin State. It also has 128 full and part time employees and currently enrolled 120 students. It has gain good reputation as the last resort before a child was placed in a mental hospital or state correctional institution. The Clarion school is originally funding by Wisconsin Kiwanis clubs but recently funding is mainly coming from government agencies and families instead of Wisconsin Kiwanis clubs. John Young is the business manager of the Clarion School for boys. He noticed the trend to use Information System to promote better education quality and lower cost in the business he worked before. He introduced current Information System to the board of trustee, which had showed immediate interest and approved his plan to purchase current Information System in the Clarion school. However, Sean McHardy, the super independent of the Clarion school hesitates to incorporate any new technology into the school’s operations and in doubt that if the investment on Information System is worth the money. After one year of installation of the current system, although the system has gain
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