Cja/324 Ethical Dilemma Worksheet Week 2

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University of Phoenix Material Ethical Dilemma Worksheet Incident Review What is the ethical issue or problem? Identify the issue succinctly. Two police officers receive a domestic violence call. Once the officers arrive on scene, they notice the following: husband has what appeared to be car keys in hand, vehicle’s hood is warm, husband fails a field sobriety test, and the dispatcher indicated that the husband physically assaulted his wife. What are the most important facts? Which facts have the most bearing on the ethical decision presented? Include any important potential economic, social, or political pressures, and exclude inconsequential facts. Officer Nixon and Officer Rook visually observe the husband staggering toward the residence with what appeared to be, a set of car keys. The only car on the street is a blue station wagon and the hood still warm to the touch. The husband is slurring his words. The husband says he drove the car 4 hours ago and has not driven it since. The husband fails a field sobriety test, and a preliminary alcohol-screening device indicates the husband’s blood alcohol level is .20, which is twice the legal limit. The moral agents in this case know every indication points to the husband driving while under the influence of alcohol, and that the husband physically assaulted his wife, although she has no visible signs of it. If the officers just leave the residence, they might feel as though they are doing the wife an injustice by not charging the husband with domestic abuse, and feel as though they are letting the husband off the hook, since they know in all likelihood, he was driving while drunk. Political pressures could be such that the officers feel pressure to issue more citations to keep the department from downsizing. Identify each claimant (key actor) who has an interest in the outcome of this
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