Cj235 Unit 3

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1. Forensic Psychology is another term for criminal psychology. It is the application of the science and profession of psychology to questions and issues relating to law and the legal system. (Schmalleger,215) 2. Antisocial Personality is a term used to describe individuals and whose behavior pattern brings them repeatedly into conflict with society.(Schmalleger,220) 3. Sublimation is the psychological process whereby one aspect of consciousness comes to be symbolically substituted for another. (Schmalleger,225) 4. Modeling Theory is a form of social learning theory that asserts that people learn how to act by observing others. (Schmalleger, 231) 5. Behavior Theory is a psychological perspective that posits that individual behavior that is rewarded will increase in frequency, while that which is punished will decrease.(Schmalleger, 234) 6. Sociological Theories examine institutional arrangements within society and the interaction between and among social institutions, individuals and groups as they affect socialization and have an impact on social behavior. (Schmalleger, 261) 7. Social Ecology is an approach to criminological theorizing that attempts to link the structure and organization of a human community to interactions with its localized environment. (Schmalleger, 264) 8. Anomie (according to Merton), is a disjunction between socially approved means to success and legitimate goals. His emphasis on the idea of strain resulting fro, a lack of fit between goals and means led to his approach being called the strain theory.(Schmalleger, 268) 9. Relative Deprivation is a sense of social or economic inequality experienced by those who are unable for whatever reason, to achieve legitimate success within the surrounding society.(Schmalleger. 272) 10. Culture Conflict Theory is a sociological perspective on crime that suggests that the root
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