Civilization’S Decline: The Use Of Technology

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Civilization’s Decline: The Use of Technology Civilization’s Decline: The Use of Technology Jay Stulo Lakeland College Abstract Western Civilization is in a state of decline. Throughout history a common pattern of both causalities and indicators can be detected in the collapse of civilizations. Decay always begins from within. The way in which a society chooses to use its technology is both a symptom and causal factor in this decay. With a major societal shift in focus from the pursuit of decadence to one of self-betterment, this vicious circle can be broken. Civilization’s Decline: The Use of Technology We have seen the headlines and read the articles for decades; The Internet - The Decline of Modern Civilization, Television the Collapse of Western Civilization, radio, the printing press, the end of the world as we know it. This is madness, the ravings of those uncomfortable with change, doomsayers and the lunatic fringe. Of course these prognosticators were way off the mark. Western civilization is still here. Any rational person can see they were simply wrong. But what if, just maybe, they weren’t? The breadth of the technological evolution in the last two millennia has been remarkable. Unfortunately, the progress of human nature has not kept pace. Decadence in the second century differs from the decadence in the twentieth century only by the method of delivery. So if the nature of debauchery from the first century is the same as the self-indulgence excess from the last, why is it now signaling our imminent doom? The method of delivery is simply so much better. Now, more than ever, it is important for society to find ways to realign its focus. Technology itself is not inherently corrupt, human nature is. Our society has long neglected its responsibility to use its technological prowess for self-betterment and

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