Civil War Compromise

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After tension built between the North and the South the Civil war began. Several factors built up the tension between the north and the south. The Three-Fifths compromise, Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, and the Kansas Nebraska back all served as major factors that led up to the war. One thing that greatly contributed to the beginning of the civil war was the Three-Fifths Compromise. The three fifths compromise was an agreement reached between the North and the South. After the electoral college was set as the method of voting population became very important to each and every state. The higher the population of a state the more electoral votes they received. The south wanted slaves to be counted as people while the north opposed (Kennedy, 189). As a compromise drawn up by the framers of the constitution slaves were allowed to account for three-fifths of a person (Lemak, 3). By making this decision both the interest of the North and the South were include. However, this still attributed to the tension that lead up to the civil war. Because the North or the South did not get their way there was still a lingering sense of dissatisfaction. Another event that attributed to the tensions which lead up to the civil war was the Missouri compromise. The Missouri compromise was created by Henry Clay in 1820 (Lemak, 4).The Missouri…show more content…
The Kansas Nebraska Act was responsible for appealing the Missouri Compromise, and extending popular sovereignty beyond land won in the Mexican War (Lemak, 8). This caused a tug of war between those against slavery and those for slavery. Both sides were trying to obtain control in Kansas so they would be able to vote in their favor. Blood Kansas is what resulted. Bloody Kansas was basically a civil war between those for slavery and those against slavery. It went on and off until 1861 at which point the official civil war began (Kennedy,
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