Cisco Case Study Marketing

407 Words2 Pages
1) As in many other business markets, Cisco as a business market deals with fewer but far larger buyers. The company focuses its advertising campaign to big organizations where the benefits of their products/services are emphasized and the needs of the customers satisfied. It continues to invest in public-private partnerships built on trust based relationship. Having their trust many companies turn to their business because they can receive better and faster service/products. Cisco is also focused on communities and employees due to their telecommuting products as well as regular customers, selling routers which can be found at home. The demand for Cisco’s products is a derived demand meaning that the company should be aware of what final consumers require of their business customers. That means that the company is dependent of the consumer markets. However, a change in price would not affect a customer’s decision in the short run meaning that the demand is more inelastic. 2) Straight Rebuys – there may be a few cases of straight rebuys by buyers as Cisco is a technology based company which constantly develops and changes. Mostly companies are always searching for more efficient and innovative products in the future. Modified Rebuys – these are more likely to happen in Cisco’s case, as clients would like to replace existing products (ex. routers, video cameras) with newer models and services as well due to new technology. New Task – this business buying situation may also be characteristic for Cisco. It happened when the construction company for New Songdo City hired them as a technology partner where it had to supply products from ones related to architecture, 3M, hardware to services. 3) From the previous points it is quite intuitive that Cisco’s buying process is much more complex and formal than a consumer buying process. Taking the case of the

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