Cis 106 Week 4 Assignment 1: Computer Architecture

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Assignment 1: Computer Architecture Professor David Moore Course Title: CIS 106: Introduction to Technology 4 May 2014 ------------ Assignment 1: Computer Architecture In the field of computers, advances could be countered on one hand. Von Neumann, a mathematician, had an idea to utilize stored memory in the CPU ( Chapman, 1995). The von Neumann architecture goes back to the original computers intended to undertake precise instructions, and is the first written account of how computers should store programs and process data. In 1945, von Neumann published a report on the EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) in which he outlined his design for the first stored-program computer. In the days of the initial electronic computing, software design was tantamount with joining wires to plugs. No layered architecture was in existence, so programming a computer was a huge achievement. Von Neumann architecture have come to be the norm in stored program computers, and these systems have come to be known as von Neumann systems. (Null, L., & Lobur, J., 2003). In this architecture, various tasks are founded on binary instructions that are taken from a storage device. The data is then transmitted by the CPU (this is referred to as the fetch-execute cycle). Von Neumann is accredited for conceiving and assembling computers founded on three attributes: (1) that the computer is comprised of four main sub-systems: memory, ALU (Arithmetic / Logic Unit), Control Unit, Input / Output and System (I/O), (2) that programs are kept in memory while executing; and (3) that data / computer instructions are implemented consecutively. Von Neumann met with wide acclimations regarding the stored program computer with the components of memory and the control unit (Karwatka, 2005). These features are utilized today in all computers and many

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