Christianity Versus Deception

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Tammy Davis Mrs. Priesmeyer ENG 204 7 November 2011 Christianity versus Deception Tartuffe portrays to be a religious person who is beyond fault. He can be seen as a deceitful devout Christian who has ways much like some of the TV evangelists of today. He used religion to help him in his deceitfulness to Orgon. Tartuffe portrayed the name of every ethical belief possible, yet he didn’t live by any of them. Like the Pharisees, Moliere's Tartuffe was guilty of lip service. Tartuffe’s nature is best demonstrated when he said to his manservant, “hang up his hair-shirt and put his scourge in place, and pray for Heaven’s perpetual grace and he was going to prison to share his last few coins with the poor wretches there”(III.ii.41). He made this statement trying to impress Dorine and to get her attention. This lets us know we can’t judge a book by its cover. Tartuffe's godliness is much like his hair-shirt, worn only for show and does not break through the surface. This can be best explained in Mark 7:6. He answered and said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: This people honors Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. Tartuffe did a lot of lip service during the play. Orgon strived to be a good, upstanding, and pious man; Tartuffe saw this and played on Orgon’s gullibility. Matthew 7:15 tells us to Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. This scripture points out the hypocritical nature of Tartuffe. In scene six of act three, Orgon was so brainwashed by Tartuffe he didn’t even believe his own son when he told him about Tartuffe's attempt to seduce of Elmire. Orgon responded by saying, “Ah, you deceitful boy, how dare you try to stain his purity with so foul a lie (46)?” Orgon was very gullible and Tartuffe knew it, that’s why he took advantage of

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