Christian And Follower Of Jesus

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Why I Am A Christian and Follower Of Jesus There are several reasons why I am a Christian and Follower of Jesus. I had a huge, life changing experience when I was 20 years old that was so altering of my life that it is proof that the Bible is true. Also, I have seen the same change in other people who follow Jesus Christ that it is evidence that Christianity is true. Next, the Bible itself is a proof that the Christian faith is true. These are only three reasons I will discuss but there are also more that can be examined at First, my life was altered at age 20 when I asked Jesus Christ to help me deal with a problem. I had hit bottom in my life and was literally at risk of such destructive behavior that one night I prayed to Jesus and asked that if He would only help me through that night I would follow him. It was a desperate plea but all I could do that night. The peace I had got me through the night. Then a remarkable thing happened the next day: I woke up with such joy and new direction it reminds me of how Ebenezer Scrooge was so altered when he woke up after his dreadful night. I am now 51 years old and my life has remained altered for the better all these years. Second, I have also seen the same kind of altered life in others who had similar experiences. They had likewise hit bottom in their lives, and had a turning point and chose to follow Jesus Christ. At that point their lives changed and they had more stability and peace. Finally, the Bible itself is a proof that what Christians believe is true. The Bible is so remarkable that people have been convinced of its truth simply by reading it. For example, some have read the simple book of John in the New Testament and have been completely convinced that Jesus Christ is the one God of the universe, who made al l things and died for the sins of humans. Since the Bible is
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