Chinese Tourism Essay

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Social Phenomenon Tourism has been practiced since before Christ but it was not called as such and the ends sought were different; according to Mieczkowski. The first definition of tourist appeared in the Universal Dictionary in 1876 that said "the person who travels abroad for curiosity and idleness". It was for Mesopotamia and India in the port of Lothal, a strategic point where trade was the main reason for travel. Six hundred years before Christ was when it started giving the first signs of tourism between the Babylonian and Egyptian, because people were attracted by the religious festivals and to visit the museum of antiques in Babylon. Greek civilization was, five hundred years before Christ, where religion and sport especially in Olympia were reasons for travel; hotels were established exclusively to receive travelers. The Romans began to travel a lot to Sicily, Troy, Egypt and Greece. During the middle Ages it was more typical to see people from different regions traveling for pleasure, business and diffusion of the religion. The Mongols built luxurious palaces for their leisure. It was in the early seventeenth century during the reign of Elizabeth where young English aristocrats were educated to participate as servers in politics, government and diplomacy so they took a tour for three years or more to enrich their education, but it was late eighteenth century where this type of travel to other places of the continent became more common among wealthy people. Therefore it became very popular to travel to other places; the beaches were related as destinations for relaxation and healthy practices. The industrial revolution caused more boost to tourism development and the promotion of travel to remote places out of the city to enjoy the beauty of nature. And in the nineteenth century, the train became the most widely used means of transport to travel
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