Children's Interaction with Technology

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Children’s Interaction with Technology Summary: A common issue within education for our children is whether screen time is beneficial or is it harmful to a child. What exactly is screen time? Screen time is when a child is using or looking at an electronic device such as a computer, smartphone, television, iPad, etc. (“What is Screen Time?”) Children can be introduced to screen time as early as an infant and will have access to these pieces of technology all through school and on through life as our world today depends on technology. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under the age of 2 should not watch television or be around any other type of technology associated with screen time since their brain develops extremely fast during this time and they learn better by interacting with people instead of screens( “Media and Children”). Parents today can use a variety of devices such as a computer, iPad, television, etc. to show children educational things for example a digital book or a learning app. When a parent provides screen time to their child it is completely their choice and up to them on how much time they want their child to have each day. Jackie Whitfield, a director of a preschool, shares with me “when it comes to an early childhood program or a school system within North Carolina it is not up to the teacher on how much time a child can spend using screen time it is the state’s decision which allows children 20 minutes each day.” According to Jim Taylor, a phsycologist, “there is a growing body of research that shows technology is both beneficial and harmful to the different ways children think”. You will find that not all early childhood programs have technology but some classrooms have equipment such as a computer or an iPad and they use them for educational purposes only. In school systems you will find that all classrooms have

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