Children's Day

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Most people in the world agree tat childhood should be a time of innocence and play, full of enjoy, freedom, and discovery. We agree that all children should have certain basic rights, such as the right to education and health care. To protect these rights, in 1959 the United Nations (UN) adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. In 1989, the Convetion on the Rights of the Child made this international law, and nearly every coutry in the world has signed an agreement to obey it. The UN had already recommended (in 1954) a worlwide Children's Day. Because both the Declaration and the Convention were adopted on November 20, this date became Universal Children's Day to celebrate children's rights. But this isn't the only special worlwide day to honor children, and it wasn't the first. Iternatioal Children's Day was suggested at a conference in Switzerland in 1925. No date was fixes for this, but many countries celebrate International Children's Day on June 1. Other countries have chosen another date for their own Children's Day. For example, India celebrates Children's Day on November 14, the birthday of Jawaharlal Nehru, a Prime Minister who was well-known for his great love of children. In Britain, Children's Day in June 15. Not every country has a Children's Day, an -despite the UN Convention- children in some countries still have few real rights. Because of the poverty in which they live, many children are still forced to work from a very early age, or struggle to find enough food to keep themselves alive. They have no time to play, and they have very little hope of going to school at all. That is why Children's Day is so important. It is not just a time for happy children to have fun; it is a time for everybody to remember -and to do something to help- all the children in the world who cannot laugh or sing or experience the joys of
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