Childcare Legislation Essay

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Assingment 1 1.1 Childcare Legislation 21/09/11 CHILDCARE LEGISLATION Comment and answer questions on the main childcare acts: 1)Children act 1989 This was introduced as an act to reform the law relating to children, and as a summarised Uk interpretation of the 1989 UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) It includes guidance and provisions for local authority services when dealing with children/young people in need and others. The act main line is that "The best interest of the child should be paramount", and gives rights to children for example: the right to being protected, the right to have their own background circumstances (i.e. age,sex,race,religion,culture) taken into account when dealing wiht them, the right to be listened to & the right to education. It makes clear that the parents have responsabilities for their children rather than rights over them. It regulates the functions & provides guidance for prospective fosters/adopted parents, child minders and day care for children and young peopole. Amends the law with respect to children’s homes, community homes, voluntary homes and voluntary organisations; to make provision with respect to fostering, child minding and day care for young children and adoption. It tells the childminder what is needed to comply with the law, includes registration process, requirements as a childminder/daycare, outlines inspection process. Points out the requirements to be complied with by childminders and by persons providing day care for young children, for example how to deal wiht protection of children in an emergency. All the other policies and procedures are linked to it such as: Children act 2004, health & safety, police reform act 2002 and almos any legislation that deals wiht children and young people welfare. 2) Children bill 2004 This particular
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