Childcare L3 Diploma

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Unit SHC 31 1.1 Identify the different reasons people communicate We all communicate for many different reasons; it allows us to fully participate in society. The different reasons people communicate are; To build relationships I first start to build relationships when new children, parents/carers and members of staff first join the setting. A friendly smile, wave or hello, welcomes the new person and forms the foundation of a new relationship. To Maintain relationships To maintain the relationships I must carry on communication. I need to maintain this relationship each time I greet a parent/carer when they come into the setting, by asking how they are? What have they done over the weekend? This helps strengthen the relationship. To gain and share information By maintaining relationships I can gain and share information with families, other professionals, children and work colleagues. Information I gain and share will help in the way I work. To gain reassurance and acknowledgement Sometimes communication can be about gaining reassurance and acknowledgement. With children and young people I may praise them, give them physical reassurance or acknowledgement by eye contact or taking an interest in what they are doing. Colleagues also can give reassurance and acknowledgement to each other. To express needs and feelings We also have the need to express our needs and feeling and also are there to allow children to do the same. If not given the opportunity to express themselves children can become frustrated and isolated. To share ideas and thoughts Communication means to share ideas, opinions, information, thoughts, knowledge, feelings, emotions, needs and wants. It helps us socialise, build and maintain relationships to satisfy our constant need to relate to others and have them relate to
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