Childcare in Education Level 3 Unit 3

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Unit 3 assignment. E1. • United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 (UNCRC) • Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 • Children Act 2004 • Data Protection Act 1998 • Equality Act 2010 E2. UNCRC gives children the right to express their views. “You have the right to an opinion and for it to be listened to and taken seriously” (article 12 UNCRC) Within the childcare setting the children need to be heard for the issues that matter to them, regardless of how trivial or unimportant the information seems to the practitioner. In the setting equality and diversity must be in effect at every given moment. A child must not be judged due to their background, race or religion. Every single child within the setting must be treated with the same respect. UNCRC states that every childcare setting should practice equal opportunities, this means that there must be disabled access for the children present and or in the future coming into the setting. The setting should also provide a special educational needs (SEN) teaching assistant for any child who has learning difficulties and needs or requests help. “If you are disabled, either physically or mentally you have the right to special care and education” (UNCRC Article 23.) UNCRC also encourages multi-agency teams, if any child is being abused or the practitioners feel as though the child may be in danger or being neglected then they may call a meeting with anyone involved in the child’s care. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 prevents malpractice by safeguarding employees and children within the settings area. Hiding any substances that could be hazardous to health (COSHH) prevents children from accidently coming across them, thinking that they can play with them. This links to making the setting into a child centred safe environment. The Health and Safety at Work Act

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