Child Rearing Styles

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Childrearing Styles and Developmental Outcomes Megan Gardiner Human Growth and Development Professor Raheem Nizar-Moses June 20, 2014 “Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands” (Frank, 1944, p. 269). Parenting is both an art and a job. Many people question how good their parenting skills will be, however, that is common. Although parenting styles are only broken down into two dimensions: acceptance-responsiveness parenting and demandingness-control parenting which is also called “permissiveness-restrictiveness”; parenting can be rather complex. Deciphering which parenting styles may be most effective may depend on the person and combination of traits. Acceptance-Responsiveness and Demandingness-Control Parenting A parent who shows sensitivity and affection towards a child whether it be through praise or smiling has a higher extent of parental acceptance-responsiveness (Sigelman, Rider 2012). These parents tend to accept their child’s decisions with a great deal of warmth and understanding. On the contrary, parents with lesser accepting and responsive traits will tend to criticize their child’s actions. These parents make it known when the child is wrong and sometimes even ignore them. There is a lack in the loving and valuing nature that parents should have. Regardless, on both ends of the spectrum the parent will discipline their child when they misbehave because that is how they continue to learn right from wrong. When deciding how much control and/or supervision the parent places on the child lies under demandingness-control or permissiveness-restrictiveness. Controlling parents limit the amount of freedom, further resulting in rules. The rope is shorter and these types of parents prefer to monitor closely, ensuring roles are followed (Sigelman, Rider

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