Child Protection Essay

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1.2 Evaluate how national and local guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding affect day to day work with children and young people. The national and local guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding for children and young people is to ensure a safe and happy environment for all and also; To create an ethos within the School that helps children to feel secure and able to talk freely, in the belief that they will be listened to and that their point of view will be valued. To raise the awareness of all staff about their responsibility to identify and report possible cases of abuse. To provide a systematic means of monitoring children thought to be at risk. To provide suitable support and guidance for staff so that children have a range of adults whom they feel confident to approach if they are in difficulty. To develop a structured internal procedure to be followed by all members of staff in cases of suspected abuse. To promote good communication between staff over concerns about children and young people. To safeguard children and young people it is essential that all agencies work together, with the designated officer for the school as the co-ordinator. All members of staff and governors are responsible for ensuring these procedures and policies are carried out correctly under the law to alleviate any legal issues at a later date. The School places great emphasis on effective communication between staff and children/young people and their parents/carers. However staff must recognise that where there are child protection concerns they must deal very differently with both the child or young person and their
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