Child Is His Own Creator and Role of Adult

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A child is a unique creation of god. Every child is blessed with special characters. Every child does not have the same qualities as that of their parents. Childs life and work is directed towards the construction of his inner self. Children will have their own ideas and interest. According to Montessori the child helps himself. The skills of a person are developed by himself. It is the child who builds himself and not others. They are filled with an ability to explore things by Mother Nature. Children always create an environment to comfort themselves where they can exercise the various skills they have. When the children are allowed to make choices, they stretch their minds and develop problem solving abilities by themselves. A child always likes to live his own life than being dictated by others. When given an opportunity, children engage themselves in many tasks which prove or enhance their confidence, knowledge, independence, intelligence and problem solving abilities by thinking on their own. A child always prefers to be free than being always controlled by adults. Adults always dictate the children by setting up tasks and timetables. This kind of rule making quality of elders hampers the growth of the children. The children always feel restricted or suffocated in such environments where their freedom to explore things are taken away from them. A child is always fascinated by every new thing that comes in their way. Every material shown to a child will be understood by each child in a very different way. They present a different understanding and interpretation of each concept and every condition which develops their thinking skills. They react in a different way at different conditions which leads to the overall development of the child. By giving such opportunities to children, we can identify their natural development growth process. Children often reveal
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