Child And Young Person Development

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Understand Child and Young Person Development Table 1: Physical development Age range Explain the sequence and rate of development ____________________________________________________________ _____________ 0– 3 months: NEWBORN-Babies begin with many reflexes such as the grasp reflex, over the first few months some of these reflexes disappear. Rough, random, uncoordinated reflective movement. At 3 months: head at 90 degree angle, uses arms to prop, visually track through midline. By 3 months they can lifted their head and chest from the floor. ____________________________________________________________ ____________ 3 – 6 months purposeful grasp, roll over, head lag disappears, reaches for objects, transfers objects from hand to hand. Plays with feet. Exercises body by stretching, moving, touch genitals, rock on stomach for pleasure. ____________________________________________________________ ____________ 6 – 9 months Sits in tripod, pushes head and torso up off the floor, and supports weight on legs, raking with hands. ____________________________________________________________ ____________ 9 – 12 months gets to and from sitting, crawls, and pulls to standing, stooping and recovering, finger- thumb opposition, eye hand co-ordination, but no hand preference. By 12 months; walking. ____________________________________________________________ ____________ 1 – 2 years More complex motor skills, learns to climb upstairs first, then down. Attempts kicking a ball. Can draw scribbles, kicks backward and forwards. Runs well. Enjoys riding small-wheeled riding toys, drinks from a straw. ____________________________________________________________ ___________ 2 – 4 years physically active, can’t sit still for long, clumsy throwing balls, refines complex skills; hopping, jumping, climbing, running. Rides big wheels and
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