Chemistry In Everyday Life

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In this lens I'd like to discuss the Chemistry of daily life. Chemistry is an exciting experimental science which lets us to understand our world and makes our life easier. As you will read in the following article, chemistry is in our everyday life: in our body, at home, in the nature... in every second of our lives! 关键词: daily life, chemical reactions. Almost anything you do during the course of a normal day involves chemistry in some way. Most people wake up to an alarm or radio. These common household items contain batteries, which make them very chemically dependent. These batteries contain positive and negative electrodes. The positive electrode consists of a carbon rod surrounded by a mixture of carbon and manganese dioxide. The negative electrode is made of zinc. The beginning of your day starts with the help of chemistry. Before we do anything in our day, we take a bath and we use soap when taking a bath. Water and oil don't mix together, so if we try to clean an oily stain from a cloth or from the skin, water is not enough. We need soap. Soap is formed by molecules with a "head" which likes water (hydrophilic) and a long chain which hates it (hydrophobic). When soap is added to the water, the hydrophilic heads of its molecules stay into the water (they like it!), while the long hydrophobic chains join the oil particles and remain inwards (escaping from the water). In that way, they form circular groups named micellas, with the oily material absorbed inside and trapped. Soap cleans by acting as an emulsifier. It allows oil and water to mix so that oily grime can be removed during rinsing. We all use skin lotion because it soothes our skin. Some key ingredients in skin lotion are vitamin C ester, alpha lipoid acid, retinal, NTP complex, and alpha hydroxyl. Vitamin C ester is proven to help the top layer of your skin, and of course has the vitamin

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