Checks And Balances: Executive, Legislative, And Judicial

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Checks and Balances The Constitution separates the government into the branches, the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. Each branch has separate powers but are also given the duty and ability to control and balance others in a system called checks and balances. Each branch is able to limit the other branched to a certain extent in order to protect individual rights. Checks and balances assure that one branch will never have a greater amount of power than another branch. Below are the powers of each branch. Our Legislative Branch does many things. Including the following; the main job of our Legislative Branch is to make the laws. It is made up of the senate and the House of Representatives. They also lay and collect taxes, declare war, coin money, provide for the army and navy, and decide on tax laws. The Legislative Branch also has power over he Executive Branch, it can kick the President out of office and override a veto if there is a 2/3 vote in both houses. It has power over the Judicial Branch too, in that it can approve and impeach judges. To qualify to serve in the House of Representatives you must be 25 years of age and an American citizen. As well as in the Senate, the only difference is you must be 30 years old to qualify. In the Senate you may serve 6 years. As far as the House…show more content…
The Executive Branch is made up of the President and Cabinet. There main job is to enforce the laws when they are made. They also command military, make treaties, and when elected the President absolutely has to give a State of Union address. Again, they have power to check on the other two branches. Over the Legislative Branch it was the power to veto bills. As far as the Judicial Branch all the Executive Branch can do is choose the judges. To become the President, you must be 35 years old and born in the United States and you qualify for two 4 year terms if
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