Charlie and the Chocolate Book vs. Movie

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Dasades Mcneal January 25, 2013 Period 8 By watching, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, viewers are able to get a better outlook on Veruca’s character then by simply reading the passage. Veruca’s attitude is more cold, manipulative, and snob-like. In the passage her attitude is more aggressive and repugnant. She is completely different then in the film, with even the slightest details. With the film the viewers are able to observe these details by the dialog, camera angles and image. The dialog compared to the diction in the passage differs by the small details. The film tells the viewers that Veruca lives in Buckinghamshire, England. According to the passage, “Veruca Salt who lived with her rich parents in a great city far away” (pg.157). The film is more specific then the passage was this detail. Another way the film and the passage distinguish from each other is camera angles. The camera angles helps place the mood of the story by what it focuses on. The camera seemed to always be focused on Veruca no matter who else was in the scene. The passage states, “So I vowed I would keep up the search until I’d get her what she wanted” (pg.157). While reading the passage viewers just assume that she is arrogant, but by watching the film viewers are able to really get the full affect of how self-centered she really is. One more way to get my point across is through image. The image versus the imagery is a huge difference. The film directly shows the viewers when Veruca’s dad tells the workers to start peeling wrappers. In the passage, “Okay, girls,’ I say, ‘from now on, you can stop shelling peanuts and start shelling the wrappers off these crazy candy bars instead!” (pg.157). The film cuts away from the original scene to actually show the viewers how he tells the workers to start shelling wrappers, the passage just gives them words and they have to make up

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