Characteristics of Traditional and Modern Society

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CHARECTERISTICS OF TRADITIONAL AND MODERN SOCIETIES. A society simply means a group of people having different families living in a specific social boundary. It maybe with traditional or modern values. It also consists of people having differences in their custom, traditions and ethics but people are forced to follow some societal roles. Traditional refers to that society or elements of society that are small scale, derived from indigenous and often ancient practices. Modern on the other hand refers to those practices that relate to the industrial mode of production or the development of large-scale often colonial society. Traditionalism and modernism are two extremes that coexist today. Accepting traditionalism doesn’t mean rejecting modernisation. It simply means regulating the forces of modernisation. It is stupid to divide things up into dichotomies/dualities but it is sometimes useful as a heuristic device. Even though there is no such thing as a completely traditional or completely modern society at the present time, the collision between the two forms of organisation has great significance for everyone today Characteristics of traditional societies are as discussed: The status of a person is determined by birth and is fixed, for instance, there is no expression of ones potentialities as well as capabilities. Another characteristic is that individual’s behaviour is governed by custom and way of behaviour of people vary only slightly from one generation to another. This makes no progress in a society since the customs act as rules preventing people from prospering. Also social organisation was based on hierarchy, this meant that social activities were distributed according to the status of the years, for instance the elders would deal with issues like theft and criminal in the society. Economy was simple and production was low, this was due to the use of
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