Character- Sketch of J.Alfred Prufrock: a Representative of Modernity.

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Character- sketch of J.Alfred prufrock: A Representative of modernity. In the poem ‘The Love song of J.Alfred is not a poem about love, but about the thoughts of a man with a low self-estem.the poem talks about one believe good things will ever happen to him, or that the world has anything to offer him. The poem is set as a monologue. It is a monologue because in this poem only one character does all the talking from beginning to end. Hence we can all it as Dramatic monologue the presence of the listenet is silent. In this poem the monologue may be taken as an address to ‘’you’’. Who is a beloved or a friend. But if “you”is taken s physical body of the speaker then it will be more appropriate to call it as “interior monologue”. The interior monologue aims at portraying the secret thought of speaker and it is not meant for any listener. The speaker,J.Alfred prufrock, is an aging man who is very self-conscions about his appeartance. He is afraid that woman wan’t find him attractive he is thin and balding. He is speaking to his physical body from his mind. Prufrocks self-image of helplessness and insecurity is the cause of his inaction. Prufrock acpects his helpessness by compacting himself to an etherized patienton an opration table who is given anaesthesia and made unconscious. This shows how helpless prufrock feels by making this subconscious comparision. This helpless attitude shows the pain he feels through his inaction. Prufrocks also compares himself to an insect whois “pinned” down by a sharp pin point and it is wriggling there helplessly. These helpless images suggest prufrocf’s view of his inability to change his numbness. Prufrock feels so helpless that he does not want to face harsh reality of life but instead of facing them prufrock prefers to sleep peacefully like a cat which malingers by the fire. Thus prufrock is uncapable of taking decision, but
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