Character in Curriculum

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Char Truth - Tell the truth Respect - Respect others (don’t spread rumors or gossip) Understanding – Understand and accept others Support- Support others during good and bad times Thank -Thank others for being in your life Final Project Summary Statement * Address the following: What are my core personal values, those virtues and elements of character that make me who I am? My core personal values consist of honesty, trust, and being the best person you can be. Nobody is perfect and we don’t need to be perfect, however, always putting your best foot forward and doing your best is all that matters to me. I believe trust and honesty fall hand in hand with each other. It is important to always be honest, even if you know you did something wrong. Therefore, if you are not honest then you break the trust. * What are my personal strengths as a moral model? More specifically, what moral awareness, feeling or action do I bring to the classroom or workplace? My home? The moral feeling that I bring to my class is respect. I respect all of my students regardless of their behavior. Some students walk into my classroom with a disrespectful attitude from the first day. Some teachers feel they need to treat those students the same way so that they can see how it feels. I, on the other hand, believe that it is important to treat people the same way you want to be treated. We as educators need to lead by example. * Who am I as a future role model or educational leader? As a future role model I lead by example. I show my students, through my actions, how to be respectful, honest, and caring. Some of the toughest children are really just crying out for love. As a role model I want to show children how to be the best they can be no matter what circumstance they are in. * Finally end your statement by addressing the future.
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