Character Analysis of Reggie in ´´When Will There Be Good News``

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CHARACTER ANALYSIS OF REGGIE Reggie Chase is a protagonist in the novel ´´When will there be good news´´ by Kate Atkinson. Many headings of the chapters are named after Reggie, like ´´The famous Reggie´´etc. that makes the reader, realize that she is the main character and centre of the story. She is a sixteen-year-old orphan girl whose brother, Billy, is a very irresponsible person as well as a drug dealer. Reggie works as a caretaker for Dr. Hunter´s child. She is taking private tutoring for her Greek and Latin A-level classes from an old sick woman, Ms MacDonald. In addition to it, she knows a very vast vocabulary of English. Even if she is a very loving and caring type of girl, she has to face many difficulties in her life. Her mother drowned in a swimming pool when she went on a holiday with her boy friend, which was very depressing for a sixteen-year- old girl. Still she manages to get over it. She even does not know who her father is! Due to the lack of family´s affection, she treated Dr. Hunter and her baby as her own family members. However, she does not like her own real brother Billy because of his bad habits. Therefore, this shows that Reggie is a loyal person who always stands with the truth. Moreover, she is the funniest character in the novel. She always tries to create humour. Some incidents in the book reveals her sense of humour very well, for instance the incident in the very beginning where a lady told her that she is very young to wear make-up and she thought that the lady herself is too old to wear it. Even she describes her mother and her mother´s boy friend in a very witty way. In addition to it, Reggie appeared as a girl detective in the story. When Dr.Hunter disappeared, she was the only person who suspects it and was concerned

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