Character Analysis of Jamie Tyrone

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Character Analysis – Jamie Tyrone 1. Objectives. What is the Jamie’s super-objective? What are the minor objectives for each French Scene? Jamie’s super-objective: Jamie wants to force his family to look at their problems/demons in order to reconcile and come to terms with his own. Throughout the play, Jamie tries to force his mother to face her addiction or at least admit it, as well as constantly debating or arguing with his father about money. James also had no qualms about letting Jamie know how much of a disappointment he is to him. I am sure Jamie’s upbringing and having to deal with this is a major component of the man he is at the time of the play. French Scene minor objectives of Jamie Tyrone: Act 1 FS 2: To investigate Mary’s state of mind FS 3: To express his concern over Edmund’s health FS 4: To convince James that Edmund may need money for his recovery and that Mary may be using again FS 5: To deflect Mary from the previous conversation FS 6: To console Mary Act 2, Scene 1 FS 11: To gently prepare Edmund for some harsh realities FS 12: To resign himself to the truth FS 13: *continued from last scene. This is Cathleen’s short entrance & exit FS 14: To accuse Mary FS 15: To convince Edmund of Mary’s condition FS 16: To listen and watch his father discuss alcohol while he (Jamie) knows about Mary FS 17: To escape the conversation and get to lunch Act 2, Scene 2 FS 19: To enjoy a somewhat normal moment while it lasts FS 20: To reason with Edmund and James regarding Mary’s addiction FS 21: To prove that James is tight with his money regarding sending Edmund to a worthy sanatorium FS 22: To leave his father alone to deal with Mary Act 3 *Jamie is not present on stage during Act 3 Act 4 FS 37: To TRY and connect with Edmund FS 38: To attack his father while in his (Jamie’s) drunken state FS 39: To plead
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