Chapter 11 and 12 Quiz

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Chapter 11 and 12 Quiz 1. What are the three kinds of protist heterotrophs? 2. Name three traits protists have in common. 3. What are protist producers called? 4. What are the three different types of Algae? Choice one of the three Algae an explain what the function of that Alge is. 5. True or False: Protozoans are heterotrophic protists that can move 6. What are the four groups of fungi? 7. What is chlorophyll? 8. What are the two stages of the plant life cycle? 9. What are the main groups of Plants? 10. What are the differences between a rhizoid and a rhizome? 11. What are the three main parts of a seed? (List them in order) 12. What is a stem? Answers 1. Consumers, Decomposers, and Parasites 2. They are eukaryotic, they are less complex than other eukaryotic organisms, they do not have specialized tissues 3. Algae 4. Red Algae, Green Algae, and Brown Alage….explain on pg.160 5. True 6. Threadlike fungi, sac fungi, club fungi, and imperfect fungi 7. Collects energy from the sun for photosynthesis and it makes most plants look green 8. Sporophyte stage and Gametophyte stage 9. Vascular plant and nonvascular plant 10. A rhizoid is a rootlike structure that holds some nonvascular plants in place and help plants get water and nutrients and Rhizome is an underground stem that produces new leaves and roots 11. a young plant, or sporophyte; cotyledons, early leaves that provide food for the young plant, and a seed coat that covers and protects the young plant 12. A steam is an organ that connects a plant’s roots to its leaves and reproductive

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