Changes in Women's Rights over the Last Century/ Compare and Contrast Essay

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Changes in Women’s Rights over the Last Century Nichole ENG 121 Matthew Bamberg November 3, 2010 Throughout the last century, women’s rights in the United States have changed drastically. The roles that women play in our country, along with the way they are viewed by society have also changed. During this essay I will explain how women’s voting and political rights have evolved, how society views women’s roles in the home, and the way that women have developed in the job force from the beginning of the last 100 years until now. Until the year 1920, when the 19th amendment was created, women were not able to vote in the United States (Linder, 2010). Their political views were not relevant and men were the only Americans considered eligible to determine the way the country was operated. Even after women were able to vote at the federal level, some states were still not on board with this concept until the 1950’s. Today, women are not only able to vote in any election, but they are also able to run for president, congress, or any other political position. Women’s political opinions are highly respected in current times compared to the early 1900’s. In earlier times, women were viewed by society to have their only place be in the home. Women were expected to bare and raise children, perform multiple tasks of housework, cook, and were considered to have very little say in anything other than matters of the home. Women were expected to respect their husbands and be inferior to them. Divorce was not an option (Hartman, n.d.). While some people may still consider this to be a woman’s role in society, the standards have evolved greatly. Many women and men have actually changed roles. Many women are the bread winners for their families while the men stay home to care for the house and children. If roles in household matters have not been switched, they are more
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