Changes at General Motors

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Changes at General Motors Organizational Change Mgt 435 5/25/2009 Changes at General Motors 1 This is an overview of the changes the General Motors Corporation is going through currently, and an argument against government intervention in the free market. This is definitely not the best of times for General Motors. Although they were a thriving company only a few years ago, they are now on the verge of bankruptcy. They are now in a difficult dilemma of what to do in order to survive. General Motors has had a lot of competition from the Japanese car companies for the last twenty years. They have done a decent job at changing their vehicle lines to compete with them. A strong argument could be made that they should have done more, but I feel that they have done a pretty good job. No matter which side of that debate you are on, the simple fact of the matter is, that they have not done a good enough job of running the company as a whole, and now find themselves asking for money from the government to remain in business. About the only thing they have done right was keeping their vehicle lines competitive with the Japanese. They made almost no changes to the company structure as a whole. The Japanese car makers have always excelled at streamlining every process in order to keep cost low. They can make cars cheaper and faster than General Motors which allows them to spend a little extra time and effort focusing on quality. Most people think that the Japanese cars and trucks are Changes at General Motors 2 a better quality vehicle than the American made vehicles. Whether or not this is the case is highly debatable, but it is a big problem for General Motors. General Motors has to make a concentrated effort to change this way of thinking in order to start recapturing business that has been

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