Changes And Continuities In Han China Essay

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Han China 206 B.C.E-220 C.E China in the middle 2nd century BC was experiencing a time of prosperity and stability led by the Han dynasty. Han consisted of two dynasties: the Western Han and the Eastern Han. Liu Bang founded it after he defeated Xiang Yu. They were the first to unify China as one, making it one of the strongest empires of its time. They flourished under the rule of Emperor Wu, expanding their culture and religion far and wide. The main goal of the Han dynasty was to unite the citizens of China politically, intellectually, religiously and culturally. They made advances in technology that made life easier and smarter. Although there were many changes such as the construction of the canals for transportation, factors that stayed the same such as religion help the Han dynasty stay true to its origins and morals. The growing size of China forced the Han people to change and accommodate to the larger population of their Empire. One of the changes was that farmers had to give a part of their annual harvest to the government as a form of taxes. These crops went to…show more content…
The arts and economy flourished under many great emperors that ruled during this time. Some of these changes included the growth of trade as their main income source and the building of the Silk Road and the canals for transportation. They developed many techniques that the world still uses today. They also made changes to their military forces, making it bigger and stronger. The continuity of Confucianism helped the people of the Han dynasty remain stable and true to their traditions and beliefs. The teachings of Confucius also helped shape their strong central government. Dynasty had such a strong impact of every aspect on China that Chinese people still refer to themselves as “Han”. With out both changes and continuities in China during this time period, the empire would not have prospered so much and thrived so long as it
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