Change Role of Women

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Topic: Choose one country (not your own) and analyse the changing roles of men and women in that particular society in the last decade. Conclude by giving your own evaluation of the current situation in that country. Many Chinese women who are now in 20s and 30s are likely to live much better than their last generation. Chinese women these days can run their own business, work in air-conditioned offices or factories instead of working long hours in the fields as grandmothers and mothers once did. Fenby (2008, p.361) states that after social reforms were publicized, the custom of marriage more than one wife at the same time, the sale of girls and female infanticide were forbidden. Furthermore, wives were announced to be equal to their husbands. Thus, over a million women draw advantage from new divorce law. Even though the law brought many benefits for women in modern society, it has missed many details and needed to refine. This essay presents the changing roles of women and men at home, at work and in society happening in both rural and urban areas. The alteration of laws in marriage and divorce, roles of Chinese men and women as a breadwinner are huge shift, but unequal sexual rate is still a trouble in this dragon country. Firstly, in marriage and divorce section, women gained equality in legal, economic and educational and social rights along with rights to inherit, own property, marry and divorce freely (Chung, 2005, pp.192-174). Secondly, role in family has changed a lot since China expanded their market to foreign investment. Dekeseredy and Scwartz (2005, pp. 254-257) contended that due to recent main economic metamorphosis from a manufacturing to a service-based economy, factories fired working-class men and women, so they lived in poverty. To be unable to support their families economically and meet the expectation of the culturally
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