Challenging Ideas of the Professor

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Challenging Ideas of the Professor Society encourages its students to question concepts and create their own interpretations of the world. In recent times, the idea of breaking social norms and facing social challenges is something that is embraced and even encouraged. It is important for students and youth to understand that their thoughts and viewpoints are valued. Often, universities and professors encourage their students not to be passive. They want us to vocalize us opinions and take a stand for what we believe. Although this may intimidate many students, I am comfortable with challenging my professors’ ideas. This comfort in challenging the ideas stems from my understanding that the university is a place for learning and that many of my classes encourage class participation. To begin, I am comfortable with challenging my professors’ ideas because I believe the university is a place for learning and I have been taught this value from a very young age. When ideas are refuted, it is easy to see all sides of the argument. Students are able to understand the different arguments and decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong. There is evidence in history that challenging ideas can make change. The University of Waterloo stands by the motto, “Ideas start here”. It encourages students to think outside the box and revel in the sea of innovation. I believe that challenging ideas is a learning tool. Not just for the challenger, but also for everyone listening. Learning does not come from accepting everything at face value or passively retaining given information. Learning comes from asking necessary questions and clarifying ideas and statements presented by the professors. Thus, I feel that it is important for everyone to speak their minds and leave their comfort zones in order to be innovative and lifelong learners. From
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