Challenging Fate In Beowulf

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James Bartkowiak ENGLT 310 Abraham 2/20/13 Challenging Fate A hero’s worth is measured in the use he has to society and how much he is willing to sacrifice. The definition of a hero is widely debated, and comes in different forms possessing extraordinary abilities. However, it is his actions that jettison him into the upper echelon of men and the praise that it comes with. Beowulf is a hero in the traditional sense in that he is brawny, boastful, and without fear, conscious that his fate rests on the edge of his blade and the gods beholding the spectacle choosing whether he should live or die. He is not so much religious as he is aware that there is a higher power that controls his destiny and that if he will survive then he is meant to…show more content…
He relies on his actions saving a nation to be dubbed a hero and worthy of the title of greatest warrior. Gawain on the other hand did not need to save anything or anybody to be termed a hero to his peers. He embodies virtue and the characteristics of a good person coupled with a perilous journey to keep his word. Some aspects of heroism stay the same though, namely the fact that both characters are in danger of losing their lives and ultimately sacrifice in order to complete their task. In Beowulf’s case, he loses his life in the battle with the dragon, but for Gawain he symbolically offers his life to the Green Knight to take, and only through the Knight’s generosity does he let Gawain live. Had Gawain been dishonest in giving him anything at the town, then he would have surely died, but because he was so virtuous (with the exception of the girdle), the Knight decides to spare him out of respect. The characters share similar characteristics as well, such as bravery and courage, along with a capacity to be personable and friendly to their fellow man. The hero’s journey is similar as well, with both men doing their deeds alone and without aid. Only in the last part of Beowulf’s tale does anybody come to his rescue, and this is after he has done most of the

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