Challenges I Faced At School

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Challenges I Faced At School Teaching practice is not a bed of roses. A student is forced to face numerous challenges he or she has never experienced before. Pupils challenge the young teacher with their ignorance, indifference or lack of motivation; the school plays on his or her nerves with its unstable time-table and work overload; moreover, suddenly the trainee discovers many personal challenges. The latter were the kind of challenges I experienced at school, among them my own language incompetence, lack of assertiveness, problems of establishing authority and relations with the teaching staff. To begin with, at school I suddenly found out that I don’t know English. I didn’t remember things as easy as ABC. For example, how do we ask a special question with “when” to a sentence in Present Perfect? We use Past Simple tense. I didn’t remember it. Can you remind me the four “tails” we use when asking a tag question to a command? “Will you”, “won’t you”, “can you”, “could you”. I didn’t remember it. The kids were correcting mistakes in my explanations. Cutting it short, your own knowledge of English can turn out to be insufficient for teaching. Apart from that, I was always in doubt about what I do. The thing is that at the lesson you need to have control over too many things at once. You need to talk yourself, and do it clearly, correctly and convincingly. You need to listen to the pupils, take notice of the mistakes, and not forget to correct them. At the same time you need to follow the lesson plan, the text in the book, and the time. You need to keep them quiet. You need to make sure your clothes are neat, your pose is appropriate, and your voice and gestures are calm – all this at once! To sum up, you can never tell if you haven’t forgotten something, and that’s why you always feel unsure. Aside from that, it turned out to be a problem to make

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