Challenges Face by Parents of the Pacific in Upbringing of Their Children

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Challenges face by parents of the pacific in upbringing of their children Upbringing of children is a globally common responsibility that every married people are felt oblige to once children are bounded within their daily programs of their lives. It does not mean that nurturing of children defines only inside household chores of biological parents but extended also to any adults who are being given the parent responsibility to look after children. Challenges associated with upbringing of children vary from families, communities and countries around the world as different issues encountered and different standard of living determines challenges at hand. In the pacific islands it is evident that challenges face are common among parents of this region as similarity within their culture, history and temporary issues are all reflecting their smallness and status as sovereign coastal states. This essay will discloses some social, economic and political challenges face by parents through their tireless efforts to raise their children in the pacific. First and the foremost, parents in the pacific socially face a common problem of children exposure to mass media and the bad influence of peer pressures. Parents hardly control the influence of peer pressure and mass media exposure which is beyond their control and tend to change their children’s attitude and force them to misbehave and engage in unaccepted deviant activities. An example of this is obvious in the urban areas of Fiji where a high number of high school and primary students crave after internet and adults programs on TV and magazines. This has abuse their minds and prompts them to out track of their education and disobey their parents. Secondly, the status of the countries in the pacific as a developing or third world countries that classifies its standard of living on the global scale. Since that pacific

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