Central Banks Have Made Available Lender of Last Resort Facilities

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Central banks are known as ‘the lender of last resort’. They are known as this due to the fact they supply the economy with funds when banks are not able to face with lack of supplies. Nevertheless, central banks avoid the breakdown of the banking system. Bank of England is the Central Bank of the United Kingdom. The two main goals the bank has are monetary stability and financial stability. Monetary stability is defined as stable prices and the buoyancy in the currency. The first thing Central bank is to protect the value of currency in relation to what it will purchase at home and relating to other money. In order to accomplish this objective, the monetary policy is used. In the United Kingdom, Monetary policy is influenced through the price of what money is borrowed out. This relates to interest rate. Central banks has the responsibility to set a monetary policy which decides on the height of short term interest rates which is essential to meet the Government’s inflation rate target. At this moment in time the inflation rate is set out at 2%. Since the recession, the banks are aspiring to keep the yearly rate of inflation at 2%. Even though some price may rise more than others, but the average of prices across the country’s economy will increase to about 2% annually. As recession is still on going, Bank of England also announced they would be putting money straight into the economy by buying assets, which was said by the Bank’s Monetary Policy committee in March 2009. Furthermore, in recent announcements, the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy committee has decided to keep official bank rates at 0.5% which are paid on commercial bank. They have also made clear they are going to carry on with the injecting money scheme into the economy and are willing to purchases assets and the sum amounts totals up to £325 billion which is funded by the central banks reserves

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