Cell Wall Essay

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CELL WALL Cell Wall is present only in plants, bacteria and fungi. Bacteria and fungi have cell wall made up of peptidoglycan while plants have a cell wall made up of cellulose. Plant cell wall Plant cell wall is made up of cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectin, lignin, xylan, and protiens. Cellulose is the largest deposition of organic matter in the world. Hemicelluloses and lignin are also present in large depositions. Cellulose made up of glucose made up of polysaccharides made up of homopolysccharides Contains glucose chains of glucose molecules arranged in a bundle 100 glucose chains 1 micelle chain Many micelles form a bundle called micro fibril Many microfibirls come together to form a macrofibril. When many macrofibrils come together with the help of Hemicelluloses it forms cellulose Pectin fills up gaps between cells (inter cellular spaces) it holds the cell wall together hence making it rigid. Primary cell wall is the thin layer in the outer part of the cell wall. Outermost part of the cell wall is very thin. In the meristem cells, only the primary cell wall is present which is Thin and flexible. Primary cell wall is freely permeable. The thicker cell wall which gets added after the cell becomes permanent is known as the secondary cell wall. Secondary cell wall is made up: * Secondary 1 * Secondary 2 * Secondary 3 Based on the order in which they develop. From S2 lignin is added to the cell wall after which the cell wall becomes impermeable to water and other minerals After lignin is added in the gaps of the cellose replacing the water present in the cell wall, this is the reason why the cell wall is impermeable. Xylan is the organic material added on the inner side of the secondary cell wall. Tertiary cell wall is only found in wood, which is only made up cellulose and large deposits of xylan Cell wall – connections

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