Celil Memmedquluzade Essay

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Jalil Mammedguluzadeh Mammedguluzadeh Jalil Mammedgulu a writer, dramatist, journalist . He was born in Nakhchivan . He got first education in Nakhchivan .He graduated from the Gory Seminary and for the next ten years was teaching at schools in Bash-Norashen, Nehram and other towns and villages. The working years as a teacher in the villages wrote a lot of stories. “Chay Desgahi” is one of the his first work. He wrote a lot of small stories, “Kishmish oyunu” comedy and “Danabash kendinin ehvalatlari”. In 1903, he moved to Tiflis where he became a columnist for the local Sharqi-Rus newspaper published in the Azeri language. His “Pocht qutusu” is first printed work. The Molla Nasreddin magazine was one of the most notable magazine in the Azerbaijani’s press history. The magazine excatly described social and economic realities of the 20th century society in the Caucasus. Very close ideal-creative relations were established with the writers and pressmen, such as M.A.Sabir, N.Narimanov, A.Haqverdiyev, M.S.Ordubadi, O.F.Nemanzadeh, Ali Nazmi, A.Gamkusar etc. J. Mammedguluzadeh’s propagation on democracy and ideas of liberty won the national respect and international attraction towards the magazine. In 1921 , Mammadguluzadeh published 8 more issues of the magazine in Tabriz. After Sovietization, the printing-house was moved to Baku, where Molla Nasraddin was published until 1931. Mammadguluzadeh's satirical style impacted the development of Iran. J.Mammedguluzadeh’s works were translated to a lot of languages. J. Mammedguluzadeh’s name was given to many streets and cultural-educational institutions. For example State Musical Dram Theatre of Nakhchivan and Nakhchivan State Museum of Literature . For his honor the past

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