Ccot Impact Of Islam In Middle East

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Continuity and Change Over Time Essay What causes changes over time? Mass migrations Examples: Germanic Tribes taking over Western Roman Empire. Imperial conquests Examples: Persian Empire taking over Greece. Cross-cultural trade and exchange Examples: Silk Road Example CCOT Question: 1. Describe and analyze the cultural, economic, and political impact of Islam on the Middle East (the area north of the Arabian Peninsula which was conquered by the first four Caliphs of Islam). Be sure to discuss continuities as well as change. In preparing to answer this question, ask yourself these questions: 1. What were things like at the beginning of the time period? Why? 2. What changed? 3. How and why did it change? 4. What difference did those changes make? 5. What remained the same? What were things like at the beginning of the time period? Why? Cultural: Relied on Quran and the Islamic Law that was followed very strictly. Missionaries bridged differences throughout dar al-Islam. Educational institutes promoted Islamic values. They worshiped Allah as their only god. Pilgrims helped to spread Islamic beliefs and values to all parts of the Islamic world. Patriarchal society. Economic: Agriculture – sugarcane, rice, sorghum, wheat, spinach, artichokes, eggplants, oranges, lemons, limes, bananas, coconuts, watermelons, mangoes, cotton, indigo, and henna. Cotton helped create clothing. Paper manufacturing, commerce from merchants. Trade through Silk Road. Political: Islamic Law written in the Quran was strictly followed as the law above all others. Muhammed created Islam. What changed? Cultural: Muslims have become more diversified. Encounters with several other religions that “fed” off of eachother. Economic: The agricultural revolution introduced new technologies that allowed for increased population and

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