Cave Paintings Essay

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Cave Paintings In pre-historic times it was very common to find cave paintings and figurines. The chosen painting was of a bull and a horse facing opposite from each other. The horse is coming from under the bull. The purpose of these paintings is unknown but it is believed that they were used as a form of communication or they were used for religious ceremonies. It is also unknown as to what they specifically meant but they are still doing research to figure it out. They found many of these cave paintings in areas that are really hard to reach so that is why they believe they were used for religious purposes. There position is in all caves. They have them in the darkest hardest places to be found. Cave paintings were found in all areas of caves. That is why the cave painting selected were probably a way to communicate with others because the position of it was very obvious. The bull and the horse facing opposite ways was probably a way to show which direction they were going. In the Mesopotamia time it was very common to find a lot of artwork and artifacts. The chosen artifact has a lot of symbols on it. It is a cylinder seal. It looks as if it was clay and eventually dried up. There are a lot of different shapes such as triangles, arrows, huge holes, and random lines all over the artifact. These cylinder seals were used to transport messages between people. The seal showed that they were genuine and secretive. They were used to notarize or attest to multiple impressions of clay documents. They were clay models with pictorial symbols all over them. These clay models were mainly found in Turkey. Semitic peoples that used the cylinder seal included the Akkadians, Assyrians, Babylonians, and in Greater “Syria,” the Amorites, Aramaeans, Canaanites, and the civilizations at Ebla and Ugarit. The symbols on the artifact were a form of communication to other people
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