Causes Of Divorce

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Causes of divorce “Marriage is like a beautiful plant you fell in love with at a nursery. When you decided you wanted the plant, you made a commitment to bring the plant home, love and nurture it to help it grow into its full potential. But what happens when you start to slide in the care of the plant and do not bother to water it or provide the necessary environment it need? The plant fails to thrive and eventually with wither and die” explains A.C. West (Para.3). This means that couples should always love and care for each other in order for their marriage to grow. However, there have been a growing number of divorces in America today; it has become a common problem in the United States. Poor communication, lack of commitment to the marriage, and financial problems are the three most common causes of divorce. Poor communication in marriage is one major cause of divorce. Lack of communication begins when couples begin to hide their personal issues from each other. They are usually afraid to share their personal problems with each other because they think that their partner will not understand where they are coming from or disagree with their opinion, so therefore they choose to be quiet and not speak. Communication makes marriage grow stronger and stronger every day because the more time couples spend talking and listening to each other, the more they tend to know each other better and understand each other. When couples are unable to express feelings and thoughts through communication, they start to feel lonely and unloved. When an individual feels lonely and unloved in their marriage that is when a third person gets involved. An individual tends to seek friends for advice because they know that they are there to listen and help them solve their problems in marriage. This may also lead to the feeling of jealousy to the other partner especially when the third
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