Causes Of Crime

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Causes of Crime Robert Collins Introduction to Criminology Westchester Community College Abstract The study of criminology is an evolving phenomenon and new or revamped theories on crime causation are studied on a continuous basis. The aim is to pinpoint factors that predispose people to become criminals. In an attempt to shed some light on the crime causation dilemma, many theories have been advanced by researchers that describe some of the various causes for criminal behavior. An ongoing debate continues to rage over whether crime is caused by biological, environmental, or social factors. There are many theories and sub-theories that criminologists, psychologists and philosophers have delved into for several centuries. Some contend that crime is committed by rational choice. Others hold that personality traits and genetics are responsible for criminal behavior. Yet others contend that the inability to cope with the pressure and strain of everyday life makes some people turn to crime. It has been proposed that one of the major causes of crime is socioeconomic stability or lack thereof in any given area. It can be instrumental in developing a crime free or crime-ridden environment. Being penalized for committing illegal acts termed criminal acts has been another issue of great controversy. Many believe that severe enough punishment of criminals will deter them from committing further crimes and others from engaging in criminal activity. However, deterrence has not really made much of difference since our penal facilities are filled to capacity. A combined effort between law enforcement agencies and communities as well as elevating the socioeconomic status of poverty-ridden areas, could very well be a determining factor in reducing the incidence of crime throughout the country. Keywords: Rational Choice Theory, Trait Theory, Strain Theory Causes of
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