Causes and Treatment to Domestic Violence Against Women

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Causes and Treatment to Domestic Violence against Women 1 Causes and Treatment to Domestic Violence against Women Debra Fessett PSYU 561 Brandman University October 15, 2012 Causes and Treatment to Domestic Violence against Women 2 While domestic violence usually is against women, this type of violence will always have an effect on the men and children within said relationship. Domestic violence against woman and some men has been occurring for many, many years and was considered almost acceptable in some countries as part of a cultural lifestyle. Society’s view on a nationwide problem has been nationally recognized in many countries. While some of these traits are considered transgenerational, not all of them have been linked to learned behaviors. Domestic violence pertains to one individual using any means possible to control another individual. While a lot of men have been imprisoned for committing such crimes, there are many incidences that go unreported and also end up fatally. The causes appear to be seen in all cultures, religions, as well as all economic classes. Causes and Treatment to Domestic Violence against Women 3 Domestic violence can involve the entire family especially immediate members. While domestic violence usually occurs with men abusing women, it is also the other way around however; mostly woman are the main victims of said abuse. While most begin as arguments that get out of hand and turn into physical altercations between two people, others are not so lucky and have fatal endings. While jealousy can be a reason for the beginning of an argument, this can also escalate into physical violence. Jealousy and rejection tend

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